Tuesday, April 14, 2020


You will continue working on your Proposals... In the meantime.. I thought you would like to watch Sinek discuss belief and why we succeed at "THE WHY" of Innovation! 

DAY 2 - ONLINE FISHBOWL:  2 paragraphs/ Proofread for Grammar and Spelling!
Watch Simon Sinek
"How Great Leaders Inspire Action" 
What does it mean to communicate from the inside out?
What did you take away from his presentation? Evaluate the premise of his speech.. What is the fundamental premise of the golden circle.. What drives behavior?  According to Sinek, how can we create a gut decision that speaks volumes? Provide a concrete  example from his presentation and then connect it to something from the outside world (something you heard about , read about or learned about). 

Finish this sentence.. We must be propelled by cause, belief and passion because.. 

* As You think about you begin your writing approach this week.. think about What You BELIEVe and WHY THIS PROPOSAL is the WHY!

Next WEEK- 
Students will be asked to post a summary / Introduction of their proposals! 
Proposals ARE DUE 4/23
Brady will introduce PUB 3!
We will begin to Wrap UP the Semester with A FINAL ANALYSIS PUB - PUB 4. 


  1. 1 when this person said we communicate from the inside out, it means it is coming from our brains, our emotions , when it comes down to event that makes us express our behaver, especially when we communicate with other people.

    2) what I got from his speech was people do things based on what they want and beleive in. The golden circle words are who what when, why and how. what drives behavior is what influence other people to do things. Like decsion making, people communicating with one another, and having the capablity to learn new things. according to SInek, we can create a gut decision that speaks volume by making decisions when using our brains. This way people can express their choices when doing pretty much anything. "people don't buy things on what you do, people buy things based on why you do it"(Sinek 1). This basically means when people create something for a purpose, that increases there chances of having their items being sold. one thing that I heard and read from that would catch the attention of many people would be the effects of the cona virus. Every since this happened not only have many people died, but lots of stores are changing their shopping methods, and also many schools, are physically shutdown for cleaning. It is a recommendation that people stay home for their own protection. Like a good amount of people of the world are following directions.

  2. What it means to communicate from the inside out is we are talking about the brain that controls behavior, and then we allow people to justify it with what we say and do. This is where we get are gut decisions come from.
    One thing that I took away from this is people buy things because of what they do. The premise of the golden circle is to explain what people do, how they do it, and why they do it. Many great companies use this to sell their products to other people. However, Apple does it a different way than others. They go from the inside out, they go why we sell this, how we do it, and what we are. The thing that drives behavior is someone that does something out of the ordinary, or just someone doing something simple like eating. We react to these things because they may be different to what you do so you react to that and ask them why they are doing that, but it can be completely normal for them. “Again, the goal is not just as to sell people who need what you have, the goal is to sell to people who believe what you believe”. This quote caught my eye because with my job, when I am selling a product, I know from experience that some people buy things that I believe in and they end up buying the product that I was talking about and I know that product can be reliable. We must be propelled by cause, belief and passion because if you put your mind to anything and you think you have a great idea, then the possibilities are endless.

  3. Simon Sinek brings up a lot of points I never even thought would be connected to being a great leader, but after he explained them it made total sense. I like how he drew things out for viewers it made it a lot easier to pay attention to. The “golden circle” refers to the worlds innovators and leaders. These true leaders attract people who believe what they believe. When we think of the golden circle we think of people who have made remarkable differences in the world.
    Sinek talks about communicating from the inside out. The limbic part of our brains is responsible for our feelings and also behavior, like decision making. So, if marketers target your feelings with their advertisements, consumers will feel like they connect with it and are likely to buy a product. Sinek also draws out a curve of the type of consumers in the world. He says the first two very small groups of people in the world are the people that will be waiting on line for hours in advance to be the first to try a new product. I am not that group, I’m the largest group, the 34% that waits for other people to try it and see how it goes before I invest in it. It is true that without that small percentage of people, the world would not advance. A lot of us are not brave enough to make those gut decisions the leaders do.

  4. 1) It means to reverse the order in which you communicate. By putting the most important information and eye catching information first, it attracts the audience.
    2) WHat I took away from this presentation is that you must be truly motivated by what you do and not care about the paycheck. The paycheck will come as a result of your own motivation. People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it.
    As a good leader you need to be first, to be the early adopter. Don't wait for others, wait on yourself to make the first move. By doing things on your own terms then you control what you want in life. His presentation is amazing and it goes into great depth on how you communicate.

  5. Chris Voelker
    When a person communicates from the inside out, they’re using emotion, the why is the emotion for doing something, not just because it makes sense monetarily. The golden circle is the breakdown of thinking, most people don’t have a why and don’t have a real reason for doing something. The golden circle is used to explain how by having a reason to do something, the “why”, it will lead to being more successful. The driving factor of behavior is that “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”.
    “You can hire someone who can do the job for your money, but if you hire someone who believes in what you believe, they’ll work for you with blood, sweat and tears” (Sinek). I’m a big music guy, and finding people who can play music is hard enough, but finding people who believe in the music the way you do creates an extremely better result. The energy is better, the playing is better and it becomes more enjoyable then playing with people who are just playing because they are capable of doing it. Simon Sinek breaks down a lot of the underlying reasons people gravitate towards certain things, and it all comes down to credibility and integrity. A company with little to no integrity won’t make it far because they lack the “why” or the reason for why they do what they do. We must be propelled by cause, belief and passion because that’s how gain our reason to do something.

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  7. Isabella Augello
    Fish Bowl

    Simon Sinek: “How a Great Leaders Inspire Action” was a great video. It speaks a lot about being able to communicate from the inside out. What this means is that we use our brains to control our behaviors and then we let the people around us take account for why we say and do these things. Communication is really important to us and the way we express it really matters as well. The Golden Circle is a concept that Simon Sinek presented to challenge people in identifying their purpose. There are three parts of the circle and the first part starts with “Why”, the second parts is “How”, and the third part asks “What”.
    What I took away from this presentation was his innovative concept of the “Golden Circle”. When doing something it's so important to ask yourself the three questions to help you move forward in being able to accomplish something to your full potential. It's important to try and understand everything. Simon states “There are only two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it or you can inspire it”. People don't look at what you do but they look for why you are doing it. Decision making is a process and you many people look to see there is a financial reward at the end or how easy the work will be. To make a good decision you should ask yourself if you would rather be happy than right or do good instead of getting rich. You need to use good filters to figure this out for yourself. We must be propelled by cause, belief, and passion because we all have the potential to do great and we just need to put our minds to it.

  8. Jamie Alexander

    To be able to communicate from the inside out, you have to start by using information that would draw the attention of your audience followed by the important information of it. What I got from the Sinek presentation is that when people are buying items, they don't buy “what you do”, they buy why you do it. A Lot of consumers as myself look at reviews before buying something to find out if the item that we are buying is going to address our needs.
    The golden circle is to explain what a company is going to do, how they’re going to do it, and why. What drives behavior is the “why” of the golden circle because it makes them actually listen to what you want to achieve and it might inspire them to act on it. “There are only two ways to influence human behavior, you can manipulate it or you can inspire it”. This quote i felt was extremely important because to gain people to support businesses, the owner has to be good at what they are communicating in order to gain followers.

  9. Simon Sinek's “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” video brings up a lot of great points on how leaders inspire action, and how they get people to believe in what they have to offer. To communicate from the inside out means to think with deeper questions, emotions, and with purpose. Inspired leaders usually tend to think inside out. This means, they think in a reverse order. For instance, instead of what, how, and then why. These leaders focus on why, which is the general purpose of your thought, then the how, and lastly the what.
    What I took away from Sinek's presentation was how to inspire others. Anything successful in life comes from people who have thought not only about what and how something is to be done, but why they did it. What drove them to make this product, write this speech, or on a more relatable topic, why they choose this major. In addition, Sinek explains the concept of “The Golden Circle”. The Golden Circle is referred to as the circle of dreamers, innoventors, and leaders; the people who drive others. The Golden Circle is used to explain why, how, and what. This explains why some people are able to inspire others, where some fell short. For instance, everyone knows “what” they are doing, and others know “how” to do it, but most don’t know “why” they do it. To know “why” you are doing something is usually what sells people. According to Sinek, we create a gut decision that speaks volumes when we believe in something. Sinek states in his TED talk, “Innovators and early adaptors are comfortable with making this gut decision, they are comfortable making those intuitive decisions that are driven by what they believe about the world, and not just what product is available”. In other words, we create gut decisions when we use intuitive thinking that is usually driven by what one believes in. An example that Sinek used was with Martin Luther King Jr., a famous Civil Rights Activist. He used the example with one of Dr. King’s famous speeches, “I Have A Dream”. Sinek went on to point out that Dr. King said “I have a dream” not “I have a plan”. Which poses the question, why did people follow Dr. King? Sinek believed people followed him because they believed what he believed in, not so much his ideas or ways to go about it. This makes a lot of sense because it’s based on what we already believe in. The principle that you are your own person, the idea and the concept of free-will. We must propelled by cause, belief, and passion because without it, you can't truly inspire others.

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  11. After watching the video on Simon Sinek’s TED talk called “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”, I found it to be a very good/interesting speech. Within the video, he mentions something along the line of “To communicate from the inside out.” As he defined it, it is when a person is talking directly to the part of the brain that controls behavior, allowing people to rationalize it with things we say or do. This means that a person thinks deeper and more rationally about their actions, meaning that one’s behavior is related to a purpose. In other words, one’s behavior can be driven by the inside out process.
    Going more in depth, this TED talk helps show you how many people create gut decisions that speaks volume. In order for people to do so, Sinek mentions something called the “Golden Circle.” The premise of the golden circle explains why some organizations and some leaders are able to inspire, where others can’t. Within the golden circle, it consists of three things. These three things consist of: 1) “what”: what you do, 2) “how”: how you do something, and 3) “why”: why you do it/purpose/cause/belief. With this in mind, the golden circle helps create gut decisions that speaks volume due to using the three steps in a different way. What I mean is that many people go by what and how but forget about the why part. So, using it differently, if you use the why part first, you are showing what your belief in first, making people believe in what you are believing, which makes your gut decisions speak a higher volume. To further elaborate, this means people will not just buy what you sell because they need it, but buy it because they believe in your ideas and beliefs on the product as well. In addition to all of this, after finishing the TED talk, what I took away from Sinek’s speech is that just because you make a product that is well put together and advanced, that doesn’t mean you will be successful or the most successful in the long run. Without showing belief within your idea or having a purpose for it, besides gaining assets, many people won’t believe in your products after while or you will lose customers to companies who make them believe and see the purpose of the product. Furthermore, within the speech, what caught my eyes is when he mentioned that the 34% are the people who wait for the product to be bought, in order to see how useful, it is and see peoples review. This caught my eye because I remember reading an article once and it stated that there was a high amount of people who also don’t buy new apple products right away, compared to people who do. Basically, he helped prove why so many people actually don’t take a risk to buy something, enabling them to feel safe to buy that product, only when others have bought it and shown a positive upside for doing so. We must be propelled by cause, belief, and passion because without none of these things, many people won’t have believed within your ideas.

  12. Joseph Cannizzaro
    ENG 310
    Prof. Mignano Brady

    When talking from the inside out it means that when we communicate we are using the part of the brain that deals with behavior and emotions. Then when an event or situation comes around, it makes us express our behavior, especially when we communicate with other people.
    In the speech “How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action”by Simon Sinek who presents the idea that great leaders inspire others by putting the why, the purpose, before the how or the process, or the what which is the product. Sinek talks about the golden circle and how it helps to explain what people do, how they do it, and why they do it. behavior is driven by someone that does something that's not considered normal in our culture. We, as a bystander, react to these things because they may be different to what you do, so your reaction is to ask them “Why are you doing that?” During the speech he states, “You can hire someone who can do the job for your money, but if you hire someone who believes in what you believe, they’ll work for you with blood, sweat and tears” (Sinek). I believe this quote is one of the most important quotes for a leader when looking for associates. When someone is passionate about the subject or the work they perform, you know you will get all of their attention and hard work. I played hockey for most of my life and I was chosen captain and was able to pick my linemates. I always looked for someone who would give it there all, no matter what because I knew they would do whatever it takes as long as they got to play. The drive and the love for the game separates the good players from the great players.

  13. Nick Troisi
    ENG 310
    Prof. Mignano Brady

    Simon Sinek brings up a lot of qualities of being a leader that every day people might overlook. The philosophy of "What, Why and How" were covered heavily during this presentation. When Sinek said communicating from the inside-out, he meant having the ability to communicate with full transparency. The whole context of his speech seemed to fit the theme of needing strong communication skills in order to be a leader. In the workforce, if you are unable to communicate your needs, wants, or suggestions, you will most likely get fired. As for decision making, a real world example would be choosing whether or not to go to Grad School after College. The opportunity cost of not going would be that you limit your opportunities for employment. The opportunity cost of going is that it will cost you more money than waiting and saving up money.

  14. Simon Sinek "How Great Leaders Inspire Action" is a great video. What does it mean to communicate from the inside out? When we can communicate from the inside out, we're talking directly to the part of the brain that controls behavior, and then we allow people to rationalize it with the tangible things we say and do. This is where many gut decisions come from. The Golden Circle is a concept that Simon Sinek presented to challenge people in identifying their purpose. The three parts of this are “Why”, “How” and “What”. It was very interesting learning that the premise of the golden circle is the why. When we start with “Why”, we go from the inside out of the circle. “Why” is the reason to buy and the “What’s” merely represent the tangible products as a proof of that belief. “What’s” are the reasons we can point to rationalize why we so much like a company over another.
    The limbic brain is where “gut decisions” come from. They just feel right. There is no part of the stomach that controls decision-making, it all happens in the limbic brain. It’s not an accident that we use that word “feel” to explain those decisions either. The reason gut decisions feel right is because the part of the brain that controls them also controls our feelings. Whether you defer to your gut or you’re simply following your heart, no matter which part of the body you think is driving the decision, the reality is it’s all in your limbic brain. Our limbic brain is powerful, powerful enough to drive behavior that sometimes contradicts our rational and analytical understanding of a situation. We often trust our gut even if the decision flies in the face of all the facts and figures. Sinek is giving us an example of how one of his concepts plays out in reality. He discusses the premise of TiVo and then why it was a colossal commercial failure. He not only applies the Law of the Diffusion of Innovation to this example, but also includes the “Golden Circle,” building atop the foundation that he has laid thus far. We must be propelled by cause, belief and passion because we must communicate excitement with others to build relationships.

  15. Michelle Graziose
    When a person communicates from the inside out, they are communicating with emotion. They are communicating by speaking about what they feel. In the TED Talk “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”, Simon Sinek talks about his concept of the Golden Circle. Sinek describes this as a “natural occurring pattern” that explains how we are inspired by some people, messages, and organizations. The Golden circle has three rings: “what”, “how”, and “why”. Everybody knows “what” we are doing, and “how” we are doing it, but most people don’t know “why they do it. If we connect effectively through the part of the brain where there is passion and purpose, others will make a gut decision to follow the leader’s instincts. I believe that we must be propelled by cause, belief and passion because that is how you make an impact on others. When you speak about things you are strongly passionate about, others will follow and that’s how you leave your footprint in the world.

  16. Lily Angeli Soriano
    ENG 310
    Professor Mignano-Brady

    The video of Simon Sinek, “How Great Leaders Inspire Action,” was inspiring. I thought it was very familiar, and I remembered that I had watched the video before in a previous English class. In this video, they say that the inspired leaders and organizations all think, act, and communicate from the inside out. Sinek says that to communicate from the inside out means, that we are talking directly to the part of the brain that controls our behaviors. With this, we allow people to rationalized with the things we say or do. From this presentation, I understand that being successful isn’t very easy. To be a good leader, you must understand your reasons behind things. His speech described how the successful ones act the opposite as the rest and follow the idea of the Golden Circle. The fundamental of the Golden Circle asks three questions, Why? How? And What?. According to Sinek, everyone knows what they do, and how they do it. Many organizations struggle to look for the reason why they are doing what they do. They don’t know their purpose or their cause. To create a gut decision that speaks volumes, it just has to feel right. This connects to the real-life world because most of the time we are indecisive. We think about the pros and cons of decision making, and after actually choosing, we realize we made the wrong decision.
