Thursday, December 8, 2011


Reports are DUE ON TUESDAY- 12/13

1. Please see SAMPLE FEASIBILITY REPORTS to the right of this blog should you have any questions concerning format.

2. REVIEW the Assignment Sheet. I clearly outlined the necessary components in order to successfully complete this paper.

3. Presentations will begin on TUESDAY - 12/13
Be sure to dress the part.

4. Group Evaluation Forms are due on 12/15

Have a Great Weekend!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Announcement - MIDNIGHT BREAKFAST!!!!!!!

The Midnight Breakfast is Monday 12/5 from 7:30- Midnight in Knapp Hall.

This is an excellent opportunity to bring your papers, questions, or research and receive additional help from Professors and Tutors. I will be working the Midnight Breakfast so come on in with your group!!!

Even better, there will be free waffles, ice-cream, soda, juice and coffee!!!! 

Paper is Due 12/13!!!! This is an excellent opportunity to meet with the Writing Center, Tutoring Center and The Success Center! 

Hope to see you all there! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Presentation Outline - Due Date Changed: 12/6 - End of Lab
Presentations will begin on 12/13
Presentation Schedule will be released on 12/8

Monday, November 21, 2011

NOTICE - Due on 11/22

I promised the class a lab on 11/22. With that said, the lecture will take place on 11/29 so that you have time to hand in your abstracts and proposal.

Abstracts and Proposals are due at the end of lab on 11/22

The Research and Data lecture will take place on Tuesday 11/29. 

Monday, November 14, 2011


*Some Notes:
  1. Get together with your groups!
  2. I will hand back your proposals on Thursday.
  3. Check due dates for upcoming tasks regarding the feasibility report.

Planning Ahead: 
  • There will be a lecture discussing data and research on 11/22. 
  • We are off for Thanksgiving on 11/24.
  • Feasibility Proposals & Abstracts are due on 11/22.
  • Plan ahead by reviewing our class schedule below.
Class Meeting Dates
11/17, 11/22, 11/29, 12/1, 12/6, 12/8, 12/13 (Paper is DUE)

12/13, 12/15, 12/20

Pick up your paper and grade on 12/22

Overall, the Proposals looked Great!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Due Dates and Checklist - CHANGES MADE

  1. Proposal is Due on 11/22
  2. ABSTRACT and Visual Presentation Plan ( Who will discuss what? )  is due on 12/1
  3. Group Evaluations are Due on 12/6

*******I will distribute a PRESENTATION SCHEDULE on 12/6

***Paper is Due on 12/13***

Presentations begin on 12/13 and will END on 12/20

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

FINAL PROJECT - PPT & Assignment Sheet

Assignment Sheet is to the right of this blog.

Lecture will take place on Thursday

I posted samples for tomorrow's lecture.

SAMPLE - I used Wiki spaces.. you can also use GOOGLE DOCS - Wiki Spaces Wiki Spaces

You all have a gmail account.. you can create a google doc and add members to edit.  Just go into your gmail account and click on documents.. begin a new doc and add members

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tuesday 11/1

  • We will have a guest speaker on Tuesday from 3:30-4:15
  • Proposals are due at the end of lab.
  • Attach the rubric to the back of your proposal.

Final Project Introduction will take place on Thursday 11/3

Proposal Rubric

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Plans Changed!

Our visitor is coming on Tuesday 11/1.

You will have the full lab to complete your proposal.

Have a Great Day!

Monday, October 24, 2011


 First Draft is due on Tuesday at the end of Lab. 

Final Draft is due on Thursday at the end of lab. 

We will have a visitor from 3:30-4. 

I may extend the final draft until 11/1 to meet the needs of all my students. I will assess this on Tuesday.

I will introduce the final project the week of 11/1

Jobs Speech Responses are Excellent! 
You will receive your grade on Tuesday 10/25


The next Job Fair and Graduate School Fair will be held on Thursday, November 17 from
10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in Roosevelt Hall

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Due on Thursday 10/20

Watch the president's Jobs Speech.

Respond on the blog by clicking on Due on Thursday 10/20 and post your response in the comment section.

In one paragraph highlight at least two main points/ issues he addressed.

In another paragraph discuss at least two major proposals mentioned and possible solutions.

In paragraph three - highlight one aspect of his speech that speaks to you. Why is this so important in your life? In addition, identify one proposal you liked and one you do not necessarily agree with. Support your statements.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thursday 10/13

Hello Technical Writers!

You will have lab on Thursday.

During lab you will have the opportunity to:

  • Revise your cover letter
  • Revise your resume
  • Create a LinkedIn account and Upload your resume
  • Join discussion groups
  • Become familiar with Blogs and Wikis by searching the web
  • Hand in a Revised Cover Letter

Note- Revised Resume's cannot be handed in unless they are accompanied by proof that you visited the writing center.

Next Project

Writing a Proposal.

Have a Great Day!

See you on Thursday!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Calendar of Events and Due DATES !!!!

  • Resume Final Draft is due on Thursday 10/6 after Lab.
  • Cover Letter - First Draft is due on Thursday 10/6 after Lab
  • Cover Letter Final Draft is due on Tuesday  10/11 after Lab
  • Social Networking lecture will take place on Tuesday 10/11
  • Proposal Lecture will take place on Thursday 10/13 
  • Next Project will begin on Tuesday 10/18 


Final Project distribution and Group Assignments will begin the week of November 1st! 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Due on Thursday 9/22

Point out at least two main points the author makes. Why do you think the author may want to convey this idea?

In what way (s) can you relate to this article?

CHoose one argument made by the author and either agree or disagree with it based on your experience or your knowledge of the world.

 “Oftentimes, people encourage you to ‘go the extra mile,’” Coleman says. “I’ve learned firsthand that the extra mile isn’t crowded; not that many people travel it!” Why do you think she chose to point this out in her article. What does this say about skill sets, the job market and overall work ethic of the average American in thier 20's.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Resume PPT

Assignment is on the last slide.

I will hand out a project sheet and go over the power point in class on Tuesday.

In addition, I will  hand out samples on Tuesday!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I posted the assignment due on Tuesday below.

If you have a chance, check out the article to the right of this blog titled " Top 10 Reasons Employers Want to Hire You" . You may find it  interesting. 

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Assignment Due on 9/13

Think about the type of letter you want to write. Think about who you want to be as well who your audience will be. Think about the purpose for writing this letter and what type of content you will establish. What is the message you wish to convey?   
You are the sender and the recipient will be whomever you decide. This assignment will require you to exercise your knowledge of the world around you.  Your letter should be authentic and therefore, you may want to think about a subject/situation you feel strongly about.   Review the types of letters and the format for writing them. 
Ideas may include ( Food for Thought) : 
Ø A response to an article written in the New York Times (letter to the editor).
Ø A Recent Project you heard about that ___________(organization) is developing and you want to participate in it.
Ø  A recent circumstance at school that requires you to address the Dean of Academics.

 Be Creative! Brainstorm!!!

Write down TWO ideas on a sheet of paper for class by Tuesday.
 Your ideas must include:
  • Your audience (Who is the recipient?)
  • Type of letter
  • Purpose for Writing.

 *You will pitch this idea to the class on Tuesday. More importantly, have fun. This project should have a purpose and allow you to grow as a thinker and a writer.

Note- Some of you may want to be you in your letter. You are at liberty to send it once you receive a project grade.
Project will be due on Thursday September 15th

Monday, August 29, 2011

I found the BLOG! I am signing in!

Welcome Technical Writing Students!  Let Us Look Forward to a Happy & Successful  Fall Semester!!!! 

Click on the link " I found the Blog ! I am signing in" Above.

Once you have done so, you can post a comment with your new Gmail account. 

Be sure to write your full name so that I know you were successful!