Think about the type of letter you want to write. Think about who you want to be as well who your audience will be. Think about the purpose for writing this letter and what type of content you will establish. What is the message you wish to convey?
You are the sender and the recipient will be whomever you decide. This assignment will require you to exercise your knowledge of the world around you. Your letter should be authentic and therefore, you may want to think about a subject/situation you feel strongly about. Review the types of letters and the format for writing them.
Ideas may include ( Food for Thought) :
Ø A response to an article written in the New York Times (letter to the editor).
Ø A Recent Project you heard about that ___________(organization) is developing and you want to participate in it.
Ø A recent circumstance at school that requires you to address the Dean of Academics.
Be Creative! Brainstorm!!!
Write down TWO ideas on a sheet of paper for class by Tuesday.
Your ideas must include:
- Your audience (Who is the recipient?)
- Type of letter
- Purpose for Writing.
*You will pitch this idea to the class on Tuesday. More importantly, have fun. This project should have a purpose and allow you to grow as a thinker and a writer.
Note- Some of you may want to be you in your letter. You are at liberty to send it once you receive a project grade.
Project will be due on Thursday September 15th
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