Watch the president's Jobs Speech.
Respond on the blog by clicking on Due on Thursday 10/20 and post your response in the comment section.
In one paragraph highlight at least two main points/ issues he addressed.
In another paragraph discuss at least two major proposals mentioned and possible solutions.
In paragraph three - highlight one aspect of his speech that speaks to you. Why is this so important in your life? In addition, identify one proposal you liked and one you do not necessarily agree with. Support your statements.
Technical Writing : A writing course that emphasizes rhetorical methods of developing skills in the work place.
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“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” Henry David Thoreau
Two main points that Obama addressed in his speech were creating new jobs and improving America. He talked about offering companies tax breaks if they hired more people. Also he offered tax breaks if people on unemployment or veterans were hired. Obama talked about improving America and making it number one in the world. He wants to improve the roads, bridges and other transportation. He also wants to improve the American economy by providing lower tax rates on some and raising taxes on the rich.
ReplyDeleteThe first major proposal was the American Jobs Act. This would create more jobs for Americans by providing tax breaks for companies that hire new workers. It would also provide tax breaks for companies that hire people that have been unemployed and for veterans coming home from the war. The President hopes that by adding new jobs it will help the economy and bring America to the top. The second proposal was how the American Jobs Act was going to be paid for. Obama stated that the government was going to cut spending to help pay for it. Also that taxes on the rich are going to be raise because they are more fortunate. Corporate tax rates are also going to be lower so companies can hire more employees.
The whole speech was important to me because it was about helping the future of America by providing more jobs and stabilizing the economy. Most of my life is ahead of me and it is really important that the future will be a great time to live during. The proposal I liked is the American Jobs Act. It will provide more jobs for people and help fixed the high unemployment rate that this country has. I would not say that I did not like any of the proposals, but I would say that I hope the government will be able to act on these proposals instead of doing nothing.
One of Obama’s main points was to cut payroll taxes. He wants to expand cuts worth $240 billion. By doing this, workers would have held of share through the next year. This provision would also cut the payroll tax in half to 3.1 percent for employers, on the first $5 million in wages. Obama also brought up the point to help restore taxes from Bush. Another main point that I strongly believe in that Obama addressed is to get veterans hired. I have a lot of friends that is in the service or just finished up their tour, and have no outside job to fall back on. Because of that, they reinlist into the service. There are about 24% of vets that are under the age of 30 that are currently unemployed. There are 2 million veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq that are back home. But most of these vets come back with no education.
ReplyDeleteObama proposed a $447-billion package to Congress and the American people Thursday night, calling it “nothing controversial,” and saying it is the “kind of proposal that’s supported by both Democrats and Republicans.” The bill is part of the payroll tax cut This tax break will bring in an extra $1,500 a for working Americans. Another bill Obama would like to pass is a new spending on schools and unemployment insurance.
One aspect of Obama’s speech that really speaks to me is the push to get our vets off of unemployment. Being that a majority of my male friends are in the service, they are worried they will not find a job once their contract is up. Because of that fear they have, they re enlist into the service. With that said, they also enlist into school provided by the service.
The president brought up two main points, creating new jobs and cutting taxes on the middle and low class. Through creating new projects like improving highways and schools this will create more jobs for the unemployed. Also cutting taxes will help many Americans by putting more money back in our pockets. Also the tax breaks for small business will help many Americans start a new business and help old small business grow.
ReplyDeleteThe first proposal was the American jobs act. This act will cut taxes on small business and allow tax breaks on payroll depending on the amount of employees. Also for small business will receive tax cut when they hire new employees. This along with construction proposals to improve roadways and school will create more jobs. Second proposal was how to pay for the American jobs act. The president proposed to revamp Medicare, increase tax on wealthy Americans and low taxes on the middle and lower class. The president also proposed cutting government spending and being stricter on large business with taxes.
I agree with the tax cuts the president has proposed because like many the more money you can save the better. Also it’s the right idea tax the middle class less and tax the upper class more. It is only logic if you make more money you should have to pay more in taxes then some who makes less money. Now it not fare that all these big time CEO pay less in taxes than the average person.
President Obama addressed a few key issues concerning the current crisis going on in America. A few key issues he addressed were; small business owners will get a tax cut if they hire new employees and increase their wages as well. They will also see their payroll taxes cut in half. He uses an example saying if the business has fifty employees making an average salary, this will lead to an eighty thousand dollar tax cut. Another key issue he addressed was, unemployed workers will be able to get back to work, companies will get a four thousand dollar tax credit if they hire anyone who has been looking for a job for over six months.
ReplyDeleteObama also mentions a few proposals; one of the main proposals he mentions is the American Jobs Act. He is not only helping small businesses getting tax breaks, he is helping people get back to work. Teachers will be able to get back to schools and help the students achieve their goals and enrich them with their studies. Construction workers will also be able to rebuild decaying roads and bridges as well as schools needing reconstruction. This will help unemployment percentage drop and get America back to one of the leading nations in the world. Obama also wants to adjust the tax rate for even the wealthiest Americans in order for the economy to grow. He uses a great example in Warren Buffet paying a lower tax rate then his own secretary. He wants to fix such problems and make taxes higher for the wealthy and believes the millionaire and billionaires of America will also agree with him.
I was very impressed by the Jobs Speech by President Obama. This can definitely relate to me in my life because my dad was one of the teachers in America to get laid off. He has been looking for a job for about 2 years, he won numerous awards and has many accomplishments, but at the same time schools would rather hire a new and young teacher and pay them a low salary rather then a good, accomplished teacher with a higher salary. One issue he addressed that really interested me was the four thousand dollar tax credit if employers hired new workers who have been looking for a job for six months or more. I believe this can attract employers to hire many teachers as well as other employees. Of course this will happen as time goes on and just not overnight. A proposal that I don’t agree with is the trade agreement proposal, South Korea will employ up to seventy thousand American Jobs. This is great for Americans to get jobs, but workers from South Korea will feel Americans are stealing jobs from them and the same will apply to America when companies start hiring people from oversees rather then Americans.
Two main points that President Obama made were to express the need for the country to pass a bill. This bill is to improve things in the US. The Bill is to accomplish two main things; A) Improve Jobs in the US and B) increase tax breaks for small business owners and for family's that are at a certain income level.
ReplyDeleteHis two main proposals are for tax breaks of up to $5,000 for small business owners who hire workers who were unemployed for 6 months or longer. This will create jobs and put money back into the hands of small business owners who employ the largest number of people in the US. The second is for fiscal responsibility in the government. He is asking for congress and other branches to propose 1.5 trillion dollars in spending cuts.
As a small business owner and as a person who was unemployed after being laid off at the time of the speech, I find it important for tax breaks. Taxing the poor does nothing for the improvement of this nation. During a state of financial crisis like the one we are in, they need to do some belt tightening. I read an article about a a congressional meeting at a hotel in which they paid $12 a piece for muffins and $5 a cup of coffee, when the total of these two could feed a family of four. This speech is important for our time but little has been done to implement and change the present course we are on.
One issue Obama talked about was fixing school infrastructures. He wants to create jobs for Americans that would put them to work on some 35,000 run down schools, that badly need to be renovated. Obama’s plan would include investing $25 billion into school infrastructure. He also talked about rehiring school teachers who had been laid off, stating that we cant expect kids to do their best when the schools are practically falling apart. Another issue was hiring United States veterans. He said that one of the biggest embarrassments we have is our unemployment rate for veterans. Obama thinks it is very important to help veterans get jobs when they come back from tours of duty, specifically those who are younger.
ReplyDeleteOne major proposal Obama discussed was to put Americans to work with fixing transportation infrastructure. He thinks it is a great opportunity to create jobs and help renovate things. Two areas in particular that Obama thinks can help would be fixing the interstate highway system and modernizing our railroads. Another proposal from his speech was a tax credit for hiring people who have been unemployed for a long time. Obama believes that the millions of Americans who have been out of work for more than six months are one of the defining aspects of the current recession. His proposal is to give companies a $4,000 tax credit for hiring these Americans who have long been unemployed. He also asked congress to extend unemployment insurance for those who have had theirs expire.
One aspect that is important is the idea of fixing up transportation and school infrastructures. It is important because there is a huge opportunity there for thousands of jobs to be created, which is good for America in general. With people having more jobs, it will in turn stimulate the economy as well as be constructive in fixing things that need it such as schools and roads. One proposal I liked is the idea of trying to change the large tax breaks that huge corporations receive, especially when those companies are manufacturing things overseas in other countries. Instead, to give more help to the small family run businesses in America. The only aspect I don’t completely agree with is extending unemployment another year, as it may be more proactive to help people gain employment than keep sending checks.
Two main points that President Obama made during this speech were focusing on the unemployment rate and creating a plan to decrease it. The nations unemployment rates has reached a high of 9.1%. This is one of the highest unemployment rates in the past decades. He has put together a package to try to address this problem and over all fix it. The package that he has put together will in total cost the United States around 450 billion dollars.
ReplyDeleteThis package would be considered one of president Obama's biggest proposals as acting president. He proposes to give tax breaks up to 5,000 dollars for small businesses. His proposal over all is to achieve the major goal of this speech reducing unemployment and finding more Americans jobs. Small businesses hiring new employees will also be a way they can receive tax cuts. He believes this along with other major changes in our economy he can help the unemployment rate decrease.
This proposal and speech spoke to me because i am currently working for a small business. Although this will effect my owner and the business as a whole i think it will be beneficial to many Americans. It will give my boss more incentive to hire new employees and continue expanding and improving his business. I agree with the tax cuts but the hiring of new employees could directly effect my time as a worker and income.
One main point of Obama's job speech is that he wants to create more jobs, put people back to work and improve the employment rate. The next point he addressed was that he is going to give tax cuts to middle classed people and people in the work force and that the wealthiest pepole will offset any loss of revenue. The bill he wants to pass will cost 447 billion dollars but he claims it will pay for itself.
ReplyDeleteOne proposal he made was to use 35 million dollars to employ the hundreds of thousands of teachers that were laid off. He promises to put 25 million dollars into the school's infastructure. This is because as he stated the students can't learn in facilities that are falling apart. He proposed to put veterans back to work because it is embarassing how high the rate of unemployed veterans in the United States is. He says there will be tax cuts for employers who hire veterans. He also proposes ideas for rebuilding America's railroads in order to create new jobs while improving American technology since we are falling behiend places like Asia.
My favorite proposal was to put so much money into rebuilding schools and putting teachers back to work. This is because I beleive that education is so important and essential to success. Education needs to be held at a prestige level and available to everyone. We are falling behiend other countries in education and it is embarassing. I also liked the proposal for getting veterans back to work. I think this is also embarassing that the citizens who fought for our country and sacrificed their lives are now living under the poverty line. I thought it was a great speech but I don't know if i believe that he can deliver all of these promises. There wasn't any one proposal that I disliked. I think they're all great proposals I'm just afraid it won't be put into action and if it is I'm afraid it might not work as planned.
President Obama’s Jobs Speech brings up many current issues in America. One key point is that Americans know that our country is in a lot of debt, and it didn’t happen overnight; it also won’t be solved overnight. The middle class has been under attack for decades, and that needs to end. Another issue Obama brings to the table is the fact that the unemployment rate is very high and there are not many jobs available to employ all of those people. Small businesses are among the top in hiring new employees, and they should be rewarded for that, not heavily taxed.
ReplyDeletePresident Obama proposes many changes to help America. One main point Obama makes is that there are many tax loopholes that wealthy Americans are able to take advantage of, which the majority of the country struggles to pay bills because taxes are so high. He proposes to eliminate those loopholes to allow small business owners a credit, since they are a major source of jobs currently. Obama says that more fortunate Americans will be willing to pay higher taxes if it benefits our country as a whole. Another important issue Obama raises is the need to encourage more manufacturing in our country, rather than outsourcing. He proposes to make sure that those attending colleges to become more proficient in their skills will be able to easily find jobs here in America to benefit our country’s welfare.
Obama also proposes to cut payroll taxes. The amount of taxes that come out of my paycheck each week are ridiculous. It’s great to think that I make a decent salary, but when I see my pay stub each week, I feel like I might as well be making less money. The higher pay we receive, the more taxes are taken out. I took a pay cut to get the job I have now, yet I make almost the same amount of money according to my paycheck each week because of the taxes that are deducted. Therefore, I do like the fact that Obama is looking to decrease the taxes that come out of our paychecks. However, I do not agree with Obama’s plan to extend the unemployment insurance. I know a few people who are currently receiving unemployment checks and aren’t even making an effort to look for a job. It’s like a paid vacation for them. One of my former co-workers, for example, was laid off last summer, right before her wedding. Her husband is still working and has a stable well-paying job. She, on the other hand, is still not working and has not applied for any jobs. She told me a few days ago that she is planning on waiting another year, so she can get pregnant and have a baby, and then maybe she’ll return to the working world. This outrages me because I am working so hard to pay my bills, and go to school, both on a full-time basis. Unemployment insurance should require some sort of actions from the unemployed to prove they are bettering themselves and are actually attempting to find employment.
One main point of President Barack Obama’s speech was to create more jobs in America. His goal was to bring more jobs back to America and to have our own citizens work these jobs. By creating more jobs it would revamp our country. Another main point that the President has pointed out what the tax cuts for the rich. That why should Warren Buffett, one of the richest men in the world have to pay less taxes than your average secretary. Doing this would help ensure that everyone in this country pays their fair share of taxes compared to their income.
ReplyDeleteOne proposal President Obama made was to have major companies get a payroll tax cut for new employees that are hired. He also proposed making new changes to the Medicare and Medicaid programs, as the changes in rising health costs has taken its toll on these programs. A reform of these programs are needed for people who have paid into these programs their entire working lives he wants to make sure that they will be around when we need them in the years to come after retirement.
One aspect of the President’s speech that spoke to me was in the beginning of his speech when he stated “we skip nights out to save money to pay our mortgage or we put off retirement to put our children through college.” I can relate to this one point because my dad has put off retiring from his job of 30+ years to have my brother, sister and I go to college. In addition to going to college he put off retiring to pay off bills and make sure we can do all this while still paying the mortgage on time. This is important in my life because it shows how Americans work so hard just to get by these days. Mostly this is due to your average person’s debt that they have accrued due to greed from major banks high interest rates. One proposal I liked was how he stated that he wants to bring more jobs back to America. Mostly concerning the road ways and how instead of outsourcing jobs of making new trains overseas, to instead have them build in America, by the 2 million construction workers who are now laid off.
One point of his speech I do not agree with is when he says that he will extend the unemployment insurance for another year for people who do not have jobs. In my personal opinion I feel as if people who are working help support the people who are not. This extension in my eyes is not very motivating for people to get out and look for jobs. Why work when I’m getting the benefits for free?
The two main points about his speech are the need to get America working again, and how he wants to tax the upper class in America. His idea to create jobs would be to tax the top wage earners to create more government jobs.
ReplyDeleteOne of his proposals is to invest money in schools and teachers. It's likely to benefit teachers and people with education degrees looking to be teachers. Another proposal is to spend money improving the highways and bridges across the country. It would be a benefit to the economy but I am skeptical of the long term effects, once the bridge is done or the highway project is complete, where do these construction workers go after that?
I am skeptical of the plan, I don't feel it adequately provides long-lasting jobs in the private sector, which is hurting more than the public sector. There is still very high corporate taxes in this country compared to other countries and excessive regulations which in particular put a burden on small-businesses which don't have the money to invest in lawyers to ensure their business is up to standard amongst all the various regulations.
Excellent Responses! Your ideas are well thought out and well developed. I am sure you can all connect to some of his ideas in one way or another!