Good MORNING to MY SCHOLARS!!! I wish I could see your shining faces! You know I would much prefer to teach you in person! I have been working hard to put together a learning process that will work for all of us over the next six weeks! Keep in MIND.. I am on your team.
Watch Brady Videos!
Review: Grades 2020 posted as a page!
Check out : Virtual Office Hours - Tuesdays and Thursdays 12pm-1 pm
Remember: Mondays are CHECK IN DAYS.. Respond to this post with a comment! It can be a hello to me.. or hello to a classmate.. say anything about the ppt .. task sheet etc..
WED: Is a Fishbowl response.. I will post a question (s) and it will require a 1-2 paragraph response as you are working on your project due for that week. I set up a page for Project 6. You will be asked to post your linked in link and your mini bio as a comment under the PROJECT 6 Page.
* Please note: This is all new to us.. we will work together to make this work. We will fall into a routine and a groove. Do not feel overwhelmed. Make a list for yourself and take it one step at a time.
Some Announcements:
1. Review the GRADING 2020 Page.. I will need to e-mail grades. Please e-mail me if you are not comfortable receiving your grade via e-mail.
2. I had to change the Major Group Final Project Given the Circumstances. I am in the process of constructing an individual final project that is reasonable given the circumstances!
3. I will set up virtual office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-1 pm.
The link will be posted on our class blog as a gadget (you need to see it on a PC or be in website not mobile view). I will post it in place of where my spring office hours are currently posted.
3. What's Next?
- After this weeks Career Segment Wrap UP.. Project 6 is due April 8th, we move into project 7: A Business Proposal
- Final Individual Project - Due at the End of the Semester
- PUb 2 - I moved PUB 2 DUE DATE TO APRIL 2nd by Midnight
Pubs 3 - will be posted in MID April - TBA
All Check in's and Fishbowls will be considered class participation and add to your learning success in this class.
Social Media & Networking PPT:
Project 6 TASK SHEET:
My Song for Today! Click to Find out!! I know its not the same as my singing voice.. But , I hope you will all manage!