Thursday, August 30, 2012


Print and READ USA Today Article

In your notebook: 

- 3 Main points in the article
- 2 Questions you have based on reading this article
- Write a One paragraph Reaction (your ideas, opinion, etc) * Think about how this effects you and/ or the people you love.

Bring this with you to class in addition to your notes on The Business E-Mail and a print out of the project. 

Project #1

1. Create a signature with your new G-Mail Account. 

2. Watch the video by Tim Buress, E-mail Etiquette and Organization specialist.

In your notebook - Jot down at least 3-4 main points Buress makes about E-mail etiquette
Why are these points so important? How will this help you going forward in your (present, future) work? 

To Be Discussed in Class! 

3.Print out the Assignment Sheet for Project #1 and Bring it with you to class on Tuesday. REVIEW THE PROJECT. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WORK ON THE PROJECT. We will discuss it in class on Tuesday and it will be due at the end of lab on Thursday 9/6.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Welcome FALL 2012 Students

Click on the "Welcome & Sign In" page and follow the directions to get started! 

Sign up to receive E-Mail Updates. 

If you have any questions, my e-mail is posted as a link on the upper right hand corner of this page. In addition, there is a copy of the Writing Calendar and Syllabus. 

Please purchase the book as soon as you can! See You on Thursday!